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Friday, 21 August 2009


Congratulations to Jaime (the 'J' in jam) for delivering a jam baby girl today!!  In the spirit of 'creation' this is how jam was created....

Jaime and I met February 2009 in London, UK while obtaining our Cambridge University Certificate in English Teaching to Adults (CELTA).  We shared  a passion for learning new languages.  Jaime was en-route to Brazil to teach English and was learning Portuguese while I had plans to continue to study Arabic in Yemen and teach English as  a means to integrate and give back to the community.  During the course we recognized the lack of  'quality' and 'relevant' teaching tools and resources available to teachers and students.  We realized we truly enjoyed creating our own stuff not just for teaching purposes but for our own learning enjoyment...thus jam was born :)

jam (n) /dʒæm/: quality authentic learning tools that complement the learning process for both children and adults who are learning a foreign language.

JAM Language Ltd. English Flash Cards :  Fruit & Vegetables  available at Amazon!

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