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Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Why should people care?

I have blogged about my friend Krsna before.

She was recently promoted to Planning Supervisor at CNN International and is in this week’s edition of PR Week.

I wanted to take note of her being in PR Week not just because I’m really proud of her but because I usually hold a rather pessimistic view of the news reporting industry. I think a lot of news organisations focus too much on shocking their viewers and not caring about what the viewers really want to see. But I think her first paragraph is key, and what any journalist / producer should ask – Why should people care? I think that “they” have a duty to report responsibly. Not only is content important but they way they report it. They impact the way people think, feel and do at any given moment.

I take faith in having people like Krsna filtering our daily news. Think twice before you offer her a story!

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