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Wednesday, 30 June 2010

2010 TEDprize Winner Jamie Oliver

Chef, TEDprize Winner and Delicious Daddy, Jamie Oliver is starting a food revolution. He has one wish:

“I wish for everyone to help create a strong sustainable movement to educate every child about food, inspire families to cook again and empower people everywhere to fight obesity.”

Jamie Oliver points out that the no.1 killer in the USA is heart disease. In fact 2/3 of America is either overweight or obese. He advocates focusing on education to catalyse change. During his TED speech he showed a video clip of children at an elementary school who struggled to identify basic food items such as tomatoes, cauliflower, beets and aubergine (UK)/eggplant (USA). Jamie’s point is that “if kids don’t know what stuff is then they will never eat it!” and “We’ve got to start teaching kids about food at school!”

JAM Fruit & Vegetable English Flashcards are a great and fun way to educate children about fruit & vegetables initiating a healthy relationship with food. We are also proud to announce that recently JAM Fruit & Vegetables English Flashcards was catalogued in the USA National Agricultural Library.

Since I’m writing from Monterrey, Mexico and in the spirit of healthy meal solutions, check out Gwyneth Paltrows’s Mexican dinner family style J Adorable Gwyneth not only dishes out her delicious “delish” recipes in this short video but also indulges in her own lingo/slang.

Guac – Short for Guacamole

Donesville – Means it’s done

Barbie – Short for barbecue but can also refer to a grill

Not down with the spicy – Does not like spicy (in this context spicy food)

Delish – Short for delicious

JAM English Flashcards: Fruit and Vegetables available online at
jam.shop now!

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